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  • Sarah Fregoso

About Fregoso's Twist

Updated: Nov 1, 2019

Hi there!

Welcome to my site. My name is Sarah Fregoso. I am a mother to two wonderful children, Ana Sofia and Victor. My kids are a very short 10 months apart in age. They are what brought me to wanting to build my blog and business. Back in 2017, my husband and I had the wonderful news that we were expecting out beautiful baby girl. Throughout the pregnancy, we had an ongoing joke about "what are the odds of us having another baby so close! Never going to happen!" Well, She was born in October of 2017 and January 2019, we found out we were already a month pregnant with our next. Life was a whirlwind of crazy adventures since then. My 2nd pregnancy was extremely hard on my body, and with a 9 month old daughter whom was already walking and running everywhere, I was sent to strict bed rest during my last trimester. In that time on bed rest, I was extremely bored of staring at a tv all day. I decided to pick up crocheting and make a blanket as a thank you to my mother for helping watch my daughter during this time. Needless to say, this kicked off my passion for yarn hobbies. Many friends during that winter were asking for hats and scarves to be made for their family and friends as gifts. I was ecstatic that people other than my close family wanted the things I made. My husband, Fernando, has been nothing but love and support for my new found passion and has continued to push me to turn this into something.

My goal for Fregoso's Twist is to be able to share my passion with all of you. I want to be able to inspire others to pick up a ball of yarn, a hook or needles, and learn something new. This hobby can be more than just dish cloths and scarves. There is a whole new world out there to discover with one another. Let us come together and discuss what we can do for the world, one stitch at a time.

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